Personalization Outbreak
Personalization Outbreak
#41: Preparing Leaders for a Hybrid Work Environment
In this episode will talk about how the events of 2020 have transformed the way employers should support their employees and why the hybrid environment is here to stay. We discuss how to go beyond traditional retention and engagement metrics to measure real inclusion and human capital growth.
Our guest, Kety Duron, is the Chief Human Resources Officer at City of Hope –a National Cancer Institute-designated comprehensive cancer center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases.
City of Hope will be the premier sponsor for the 2021 Leadership in The Age of Personalization Summit. Hosted by LightSpeed VT this summit will be a hybrid event with in-person guests and speakers in Las Vegas and a live streaming audience. Joint the Movement – Register FREE: 2021summit.ageofpersonalization.com
GLLG Company Website: https://www.glennllopis.com/
Age Of Personalization Website: https://ageofpersonalization.com/
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